RHK Technology

RHK Technology has been a world leading supplier of surface analysis instrumentation for over 25 years, including:

  • PanScan Lumin-SLT
  • PanScan Cryogen-Free LT-STM
  • PanScan Tesla SPM with Magnetic Field
  • PanScan LT SPM Kit
  • UHV Variable Temperature AFM/STM
  • Beetle Ambient/Liquid STM/AFM
  • Universal SPM Control Electronics


Universal SPM Control Systems

Electronics and software for different brands or homebuilt scan heads; Model R10 offers modularity, ease of use, and very flexible controllability.

For further information visit: https://www.rhk-tech.com/r10/

R10 SPM Controller

PanScan Lumin-SLT

The new PanScan Lumin-SLT combines Cryo-STM/AFM with integrated optics that offers industry-leading light collection efficiency. The combination of high-efficiency optics and high-stability SPM of the Lumin-SLT enables the study of the interplay between morphological, optical and electronic properties of a wide range of materials.




Ideal for:

  • Cathodoluminescence (CL)
  • Photoluminescence (PL)
  • STM light emission (STM-LE)
  • Raman spectroscopy





  • Up to 70% light collection efficiency
  • Optical wavelengths from deep UV to far IR
  • Integrated parabolic mirror with in-situ 3D nanopositioners
  • Atomic resolution
PanScan Lumin-SLT
Schematic Illustration

PanScan Cryogen-Free LT System

Turnkey system for STM or AFM/STM in the 9K -400K temperature range with closed-cycle-cooling: cryogen-cost-free and interruption-free; atomic resolution, low drift, superb STS.

For further information visit: http://www.rhk-tech.com/products/panscan-freedom/


Images courtesy of Tapaszto Lab – Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Energy Research

Images courtesy of Tapaszto Lab - Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Energy Research



PanScan Tesla SPM with Magnetic Field

The Tesla model offers closed-loop cooling for stable low-temperature SPM measurements inside and outside the magnet, ultra-low drift, exceptional spectroscopy functionality, and an integrated cryogen-free superconducting magnet in a surprisingly compact, simple, and affordable package.


  • Integrated cryogen-free magnet
  • No coolant consumption
  • Atomic resolution from 9 K to 400 K
  • Superconducting Magnet (3 – 6 T)
  • Conventional electromagnet options available
  • Allows SPM operation inside and outside the magnet
  • Extremely low drift
PanScan Tesla SPM

Pan-Style LT STM / TF-AFM-Kit

Scan head for low temperature use down to 300 mK; operation in magnetic fields, STM or optional tuning fork AFM; integral x/y-offsets

See “Downloads” PanScan Case Study!

Pan-Style LT STM

UHV Variable Temperature AFM/STM

Vacuum STM or AFM/STM, room temperature or temperature variation, UHV systems including sample preparation and other analysis methods, options for variable magnetic fields and for optical access.

RHK UHV 7500 with additional surface analysis capability and collection of optical data

ATM 300/350

STM or AFM/STM for use at ambient conditions, for small scan ranges and highest resolution, prepared for upgrade to UHV

For further information visit: http://www.rhk-tech.com/ambient-spm/

ATM 300/350

Upgrades of existing systems

The modular concept allows for an easy and economical path towards extension of existing RHK systems:

From STM to AFM/STM, from RT to VT, from external to internal vibration damping, from manual PPC100 to digital PPC200, from older control system hardware and software to R9.


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