
Fairs, exhibitions, workshops and more ...


The Schaefer group participates all over Europe at various exhibitions and trade fairs with the topics of Nanotechnology, Measurement Technolgy, etc.
Please contact your nearest Schaefer office in order to get further information and to take an apointment for a visit on our booth.
We often have various demo equipment on our booth and it may be possible to establish some test measurements with your samples.


DateEventVenue/ BoothCityDetails
09.09.202419th global X-ray & CT-Forum will be announcedHamburg 19th global X-ray & CT-Forum
10.09.-11.09 2024Dry Coating Forum - Fraunhofer IWSwill be announcedDresden Dry Coating Forum - Fraunhofer IWS
16.09.-27.09 2024Phenom SEM on Tour in Germanywill be announcedStuttgart, Langen, Cologne, Göttingen, Hamburg, Berlin, Dresden, Nürnberg, München Phenom SEM on Tour in Germany
22.10.-24.10.2024Phenom SEM On Tour in Austriawill be announcedLinz, Graz, Wien Phenom REM auf Tour in Österreich
17.10. & 05.11.2024Phenom REM auf Tour in Switzerlandwill be announcedLyon, Zurich Phenom SEM on Tour
in Switzerland

12.11.- 14.11.2024FILTECH 2024 -The Filtration Eventwill be announcedCologneFILTECH 2024
19.11.-22.11.2024FormNext Frankfurtwill be announcedFrankfurt am Main FormNext Frankfurt
03.12.-04.12.2024Plastics Analytics Conferencewill be announcedLüdenscheid Plastics Analytics

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