Webinars: Advanced Imaging Technologies in Life Science Research

Date: May 11th, 2023

ThermoFisher: 2 – 2:30 pm CEST

Tomocube: 2:30 – 3:30 pm CEST

Event Link: Click Here to Participate


What You will Learn:

ThermoFischer Desktop STEM (Webinar 1): Scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) systems have for some time been available as an additional modality for TEM systems, promising increased contrast, particularly from unstained sections. But they have not been widely available outside of specialist comprehensive EM centers. In this webinar, we discuss the advantages of low-kV STEM imaging using the highly automated Thermo Scientific™ Phenom Pharos™ G2 FEG-SEM with the new scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) detector, which can achieve a higher resolution than the BSD detector at only 15 kV.

Tomocube Holotomography (Webinar 2): Holotomography (HT) allows for the imaging of cells and cellular organelles in 3D without the use of intrusive dyes or labelling. This novel technique prevents the perturbation of the cell physiology or morphology which in turn provides a true picture of the cell and its functionality. Label free, live cell imaging with quantitative measurement allows accurate 3D measurement of cell morphology, cellular interactions, and cellular kinetics. This webinar will discuss the technical aspects of how holotomography works, its advantages and its limitations. We will illustrate showing examples of what is possible.



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