Automated Cutting-Edge Tissue Cytometry for Future-Oriented Quantitative Biomedicine


The high-end flexible tissue cytometer “TissueFAXS” provides high-precision biomedical microscopic solutions with AI-assisted image analysis tools (e.g. Machine/Deep Learning) enabling comprehensive phenotypical and functional analyses (e.g. FACS) in tissue context and on the single cell level. The classification and nuclei segmentations even in dense tissues are no longer a considerable challenge. Image acquisitions include brightfield, fluorescence, confocal and multispectral analyses. The high-throughput automated loading and whole-slide scanner facilitates up to 120 standard slides or 60 double-sized slides. The inverted system allows live-cell and time-lapse imaging of samples in petri dishes, well plates and cell culture flasks. The TissueFAXS platform is available in various hardware and software configurations suitable for different research activities.


Product Features

  • High-resolution imaging
  • High-content phenotyping
  • Multispectral imaging and spectral unmixing
  • Imaging mass cytometry
  • Spatial relationships
  • Live-cell imaging
  • Single-cell detection and contextual image analysis
  • High-dimensional co-expression analysis
  • FISH, seqFISH, and CISH detection


                   Introduction of TissueGnostics                                                                                                      Introduction TissueFAXS Q Platform                                              


Click and Learn about Different TissueFAXS Configurations


Brightfield Cytometer

TissueFAXS Histo
TissueFAXS Histo
TissueFAXS i Histo
TissueFAXS i Histo











Fluorescence Cytometer


TissueFAXS Fluo
TissueFAXS Fluo
TissueFAXS i Fluo
TissueFAXS i Fluo










Brightfield + Fluorescence Cytometer


TissueFAXS Plus
TissueFAXS Plus
TissueFAX i Plus
TissueFAX i Plus


TissueFAX i Plus with Environment control
TissueFAX i Plus with Environment control










Confocal Cytometer                                                                         Multispectral Cytometer


TissueFAXS Q Platform
TissueFAXS Q Platform















Click and Learn about Different TissueFAXS Software Solutions


Scanning & Viewing


TissueFAXS Scanner
TissueFAXS Scanner
TissueFAXS Viewer
TissueFAXS Viewer












Single Cell Analysis




TissueQuest TissueQuest


Contextual Image Analysis



Applications in Human, Animal and Plant Tissues

  • Immunophenotyping of organs/tissues in-situ
  • Spatial phenotypic and functional characterization of tumor- and cellular-microenvironment
  • Identification of single cells even in dense tissue
  • Automated classification of tissue compartments
  • Multiplexing and spectral unmixing to perform high-plex assays on histological sections with single-cell precision
  • Structural analysis and determination of subcellular marker localization
  • Molecular single-cell profiling using antibody labeling, FISH, CISH, RNA-ISH, and RNAScope
  • Quantification of cellular pathogens and intracellular parasites
  • Panoramic imaging and quantitative histopathology of whole-slide biopsies, TMAs and even big tissue sections


IF Cultured Cells & Substructures
IF Cultured Cells/Substructures
IF Cellular Contact
IF Cellular Contact
IHC Immune Status in Situ
IHC Immune Status in Situ
IF Tumor FOCI Angio
IF Tumor FOCI Angio










IF Retinal Vascularization
IF Retinal Vascularization
IF Dendrites & Axons
IF Dendrites & Axons
RNA Scope
RNA Scope
IF Skin Morphology
IF Skin Morphology










IF Spheroids
IF Spheroids
Bone Mineralization
Bone Mineralization
IF Cardio Cell Culture
IF Cardio Cell Culture
Bone Goldner
Bone Goldner










IF Cytoskeleton
IF Cytoskeleton
IF-HI-Plex 50
IF-HI-Plex 50
IHC Tumor-Stroma
IHC Tumor-Stroma

















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