Sample Preparation Devices

Boeckeler Instruments, Inc. is a privately-owned company that engineers sample preparation equipment for nanoscale research, under the RMC Boeckeler product line. Our solutions are employed in both life sciences and materials research, with special emphasis in sample preparation for 3D electron microscopy.

                      1. Ultramicrotomy
                               2. Microtomy
3. Workflow Instruments & Accessories

1. Ultramicrotomy Solutions

I. PowerTom
II. ATUMtome
     III. ASH2
     IV. LN Ultra

I. PowerTom Variations

RMC Boeckeler’s PowerTome is a fully modular ultramicrotome, upgradable from a routine to an advanced instrument. Known for its durability, its power-driven cutting stroke will enable you to slice through a wide variety of materials ranging from softer to extremely hard materials. As such, the PowerTome is used for research in many different industries ranging from life sciences to materials sciences.







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II. ATUMtome – Automated Tape Collecting Ultramicrotome 
  • Collects hundreds to thousands of sections on a continuous tape
  • Non-destructive to sample, with sections available for years into the future for processing, post-staining, immunogold labeling, correlative imaging — and at any work pace desired
  • Section thickness can range from 0nm to 15μm
  • Determines sample viability sooner in the process so you don’t waste valuable time cutting and imaging a problem sample. Uses multiple resolutions for locating regions of interest, then zooming in for higher resolution imaging
  • Allows correlative microscopy for localization and then ultra-structural imaging
  • Prepares samples that allow short pixel dwell time for fast detection of images during electron microscopy
  • Uses standard sample preparation techniques and resins
  • Charging effect on sections is manageable
  • Priced at a fraction of the cost of alternative 3-D imaging techniques


III. ASH2: Advanced Substrate Holder Attachment for Serial Sectioning
For Fast, Reliable Serial Section Collection For 3D Tomography. Advanced 3D reconstruction and tomography are growing in use in today’s EM world. For small volumes, where tens to hundreds of sections are required, the Advanced Substrate Holder (ASH2) is favored for ease of use and speed. The ASH2 is a multi-axis manipulation tool designed to precisely position substrates for the collection of ribbons of serial sections for array tomography. Standard room temperature knives and jumbo diamond knives for larger substrates can be used. Collected sections are subsequently imaged in the SEM or LM. The ASH2 quickly mounts onto any current ultramicrotome, instantly converting it into an instrument capable of sectioning and collecting hundreds of sections. This newly designed Advanced Substrate Holder (ASH2) weighs less than 0.5kg and can be mounted directly onto modern ultramicrotomes without modification or the use of additional fixtures. For larger volume work, please see our ATUMtome system, which is capable of effortlessly collecting thousands of sections.

IV. LN Ultra: Cryo Attachment for PowerTome

Cryo ultramicrotomy sectioning of both biological and industrial materials can be achieved with the LN Ultra, a liquid nitrogen-cooled cryo-chamber attachment for the PowerTome series of ultramicrotomes. Mounted onto the PowerTome, the LN Ultra provides optimal thermal stability necessary for producing cryosections. Capable of holding temperatures from +40°C to -185°C, the stable environment of the LN Ultra is perfect for sectioning and planning a variety of samples. These may include rubber and soft polymers, or biological cells and tissues; used for example, for immunolabelling using the Tokuyasu technique or CEMOVIS (Cryo-Electron Microscopy of Vitreous Ice Sections). Liquid Nitrogen consumption is very low, allowing for a size efficient 15.5-liter dewar, capable of providing a stable sectioning environment for up to nine hours, depending on your technique and application, thus saving your laboratory LN2 costs over less efficient systems.

2. Microtomy Solutions

It is sometimes necessary to prepare thicker sections with a larger surface area for light microscopy, FTIR, and Confocal amongst other applications. RMC Boeckeler microtomes are modular in design and can be readily configured to suit the most challenging of applications. For materials that require sectioning at cryo temperatures, the combination of the heavy-duty MT990 rotary microtome with the CR1000 liquid nitrogen cooled cryo-chamber makes for a very powerful tool in the areas of research and quality control. Our team of Application Scientists is on hand to advise you on the best configurations and accessories suitable for your requirements.





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MT990 with CR1000

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3. Workflow Instruments & Accessories



Glass Knife Maker (GKM2)

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Anti-Vibration Table

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Air Compressor

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Lab Chair

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