Mass Flow Meters & Controllers

Teledyne Hastings Instruments brings over 70 years of experience to offer a full line of thermal mass flow measurement and control instruments. With an experienced design team, thermal mass flow expertise, and global sales and service networks, Teledyne Hastings Instruments provides both a broad selection of equipment and unrivaled customer support.

Find reliable solutions for your applications in laboratory and industrial environments, high and low flows, corrosive gases, and high pressures.

The gas mass flow line of meters (HFM) and controllers (HFC) cover a broad range of flow rates from 5 sccm to 15,000 slm that includes a variety of flexible options for outputs, calibration, and fittings.


Key Features*


Available flow ranges

  • Flow meter: 0 – 5 sccm up to 0 – 15,000 slm (N2 Equiv)
  • Flow controller: 0 – 5 sccm up to 0 – 10,000 slm (N2 Equiv)

High accuracy:  from ±(0.2% full scale + 0.5% of reading)

High repeatability:  from ±0.05% of full scale

Fast settling times

Low pressure drop

Metal or elastomer sealed

Operating pressures up to 500 psi or higher (1000 psi optional)

Input power: 11-36 VDC unipolar or bipolar (e.g. + 24 VDC, ± 15 VDC)

Analog outputs: 0-5V, 0-10V, 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA

Setpoint inputs: 0-5V, 0-10V, 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA

Digital interfaces: RS232, RS485, USB

Various fittings: Swagelok, VCR, VCO, or flange

NIST traceable calibration

*depending on the model series





Digital 300B Series – 300 Vue

See Mass Flow in a Whole New Way!


The 300 Vue is the newest series of digital gas thermal mass flow instruments which provide accurate, fast, and convenient gas measurement and control.  The color touchscreen display allows the user to view and control the flow rate directly from the flow device. The main screen displays the flow rate, the flow setpoint (in case of controller), the units of measure, and the valve mode (Auto, Open, Closed). The display can also graphically display changes in flow over time. The B Series also features a USB port which is standard on all meters and controllers. The instrument can be installed and operating in seconds.


  • Color touchscreen display
  • Excellent accuracy ± (0.5% Pt + 0.2% FS)
  • Multi-gas calibrations
  • Sensor diagnostics
  • Totalizer ​​
  • Analog output: 0-5V, 0-10V, 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA
  • Digital output: RS232, RS485, USB
  • Flow capacity from 5 sccm to 10,000 slm
  • Fitting options from compression to surface mount
  • Metal and elastomer seal available





Watch Hastings’ video about the 300 Vue!

200 Series

General Purpose – Excellent Stability!


The 200 Series, Teledyne Hastings’ flexible, general purpose series of mass flow meters and controllers, accurately measures and controls mass flow in a variety of applications. Featuring reliability and stability, the 200 Series is chosen for its very stable performance with varying ambient conditions. A wide choice of elastomer seals make this flow controller compatible with most gases.

The full scale range  is  specified by the end user. A NIST traceable calibration certificate is standard. Many corrosive gases and pressures up to 1000 psig are easily measured. Cleaning for oxygen service is available.


Low Pressure Drop, Large Flow Rates!

The HFM-200 LFE Series by Teledyne Hastings can be configured to accurately measure gas flow in a broad array of applications. The HFM-200 LFE meter has  flow ranges from 0-10 sccm to 0-15,000 slm, provides analog outputs, and is constructed of stainless steel.  The laminar flow elements (smooth, threaded or flanged) are available in various sizes from 3/8″ up to 8″.  Low pressure drops at full scale flow.



300 Series

All Metal, Fast Response, Low Flow Rates!

Featuring reliability and stability, the 300 Series is chosen for its fast response under a wide range of conditions. The metal sealed HFM-300 / HFC-302 meters and controllers have flow ranges from 0-5 sccm to flows of 0-25 slm. They are designed to accurately measure mass flow without corrections or compensations for gas pressure and temperature.

Corrosive gases and pressures up to 1000 psig are easily measured. No damage will occur from the use of moderate overpressures or overflows.



High Performance – Fast Response!

The HFM-301/-305/-306 meters and HFC-303/-307 controllers feature superior settling times and cover the medium to high flow ranges. The full scale range  is  specified by the end user. The devices provide analog outputs, are constructed of stainless steel, and can be configured to have either normally open or normally closed valves. These instruments are intrinsically linear and have an accuracy of better than ±1% F.S. (full scale).

Hastings mass flow instruments do not require any periodic maintenance under normal operating conditions with clean gases.


Digital 300A Series

All Metal, Fast Response, Tight Accuracy!

The HFM-D-300A / HFC-D-302A mass flow instruments have flow ranges from 0-5 sccm to 0-25 slm, use all metal seals, provide analog and digital outputs, and are accurate to better than ±(0.5% of reading + 0.2% of full scale) for full scale rates. Easy, user friendly digital communications with windows based software interface is available.

The Digital 300 Series uses a thermal-based mass flow sensor that is designed to provide exceptional linear response to changing flow rates. In addition, the electronics associated with each sensor are precisely tuned to give fast response time. The large diameter sensor tube allows the Digital 300 flow meter to have a small pressure drop.



Digitally Enhanced, Tight Accuracy!

Measuring a gas flow with a mass-based measurement provides accuracy, repeatability, and stability.  The A Series of the Digital 300 line covers ranges from 0-1000 slm (HFM-D-301A/HFC-D-303A), 0-2500 slm (HFM-D-305A/HFC-D-307A) to 0-10,000 slm (HFM-D-306A/HFC-D-308A). It can be configured with an optional IP-67 enclosure to provide protection against water and dust.

Self diagnostics of the sensor, valve, and overflow are included in the digital features. Also of interest is the auto zero feature which detects when the valve is closed and automatically resets the zero. These mass flow meters and controllers can store up to 10 calibrations of different ranges and gases.

The Digital 300 Series can operate with any power supply capable of providing 11 – 36 VDC between the high and low supply pins (e.g. bipolar ±12 VDC, ±15 VDC or unipolar +24 VDC).




Power Supply & Display


Single Channel Power Supply / Display

  • Handles one flow meter,
    controller, or vacuum gauge
  • Displays units of measurement
  • Analog: 0-5 vdc, 0-10 vdc
  • RS-232/RS-485






Four Channel Power Supply / Display

  • Handles four flow meters,controllers,
    vacuum gauges, and more
  • Displays 4 simultaneous channels
    with units and gas ID
  • Analog: 0-5 vdc, 0-10 vdc, 4-20 mA
  • RS-232/RS-485
  • Ratio control for gas blending
  • Totalizer function




                                                                                                                                                 Teledyne Hastings Instruments THCD-101


                                                                                                                                                    Teledyne Hastings Instruments THCD-401

Free Mass Flow Converter APP


Teledyne Hastings Instruments has developed a Mass Flow Conversion APP that allows to quickly convert flow measurement values from one set of units to another. The user also has the option to change the gas species and the reference conditions or STP (Standard Temperature & Pressure), which need to be specified when converting between mass flow units such as gm/s, lbs/hr and volumetric derived units such as slm, sccm, scfh, scfm, and so forth.

Four versions are available: iPhone, iPad, Android, and Web-based. The iPhone and iPad versions can be downloaded for free from the Apple iTunes Store. The version for Android can be obtained from Google Play. The web based version is available at


Calibration and Repair Services

Periodic calibration on any instrumentation used in process control or research oriented projects is highly recommended!

5 Reasons for periodic recalibration:

  • Aging / Stress
  • Contamination
  • Tolerance shifts
  • Consistent quality of the end product
  • Reduced process inefficiencies


Download Hastings’ webinar recording “Flow Calibration Best Practices” and find out more on the calibration report on Hastings’ blog!


Applications and Industries


Air Sampling
Industrial Furnaces
Gas Blending
Medical Research
Analytical Instrumentation
Catalyst Characterization
Beverage Industry
Gas Chromatography

Thermal Flame Spray
Leak Testing
Porosity Studies
Thin Film Deposition
High Purity Gas Delivery
Pharmaceutical Process
Automotive Testing

Pollution Monitoring
Semiconductor Process
Alternate Energy
Fuel Cell R&D
Custody Transfer
Photovoltaic Process
Glass Industry
Plasma Coating Process


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