Ion Milling Equipment

Technoorg Linda

Sample preparation for SEM and TEM

For SEM users:

SEMPrep Smart

New generation ion etching system for cross-sectional cuts and damage-free polishing of the sample surface for SEM and EBSD users

  • Simple and automated operation
  • Largest energy range on the market (<100 eV-16 keV)
  • Unique pre-tilted sample holders for angled cuts (30°, 90°)
  • +/- 1 µm positioning accuracy for cross-section
  • Sample size up to 50mm diameter
  • Load lock system for quick sample exchange
  • Optional vacuum transfer unit
  • Liquid nitrogen or Peltier cooling option
  • Oil-free vacuum system

For TEM users:


Fully automated ion beam thinning system for TEM/XTEM sample preparation

  • Easy to use and automated operation
  • Widest energy range on the market (100 eV- 16 keV)
  • Automatic perforation detector
  • Load-lock system for fast sample exchange
  • Liquid Nitrogen cooling option
  • Online monitoring and support

Gentle Mill

Ion beam workstation for final cleaning and end-polishing of highest quality TEM/FIB samples

  • Automated operation
  • The final step for a perfect result
  • vacuum transfer shuttle
  • Special adaptor for Hitachi microscopes
  • Online monitoring and support


Traceable transmission electron microscopy calibration sample

Special embedding grid for TEM/XTEM samples


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