Schaefer-Tec Group

Your Partner for Scientific Instruments since 1963

The Schaefer-Tec Group is a sales company with 60 years of company history.

It is our concern to offer technically outstanding products for research and industry supporting our customers at all times with competent advice in procurement and use.

We are one of the leading trading and consulting companies and represent leading and well-known manufacturers in Germany and many other European countries, for instance, in the fields of  electron microscopy, scanning probe microscopy, vacuum measurement and control, thermal mass flow meters and controllers, tissue cytometry and 3D live-cell imaging, particle and nanoparticle measurement or spectrometry.

Our highly educated staffs advise scientists in advance accompanying them until the decision on the most suitable procedure for solving the upcoming tasks. We carry out trial work and feasibility studies on the suitability of the selected system in our own laboratories.

We are happy to support you in solving your specific tasks!

Geographically, we cover Europe out of the follonwing offices:

  • Germany
  • France
  • Switzerland
  • Romania



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Sie suchen nach Produkten? Dann wählen Sie bitte aus der oben aufgeführten Liste das Land aus, in dem Sie sich befinden bzw. in das wir unsere Produkte liefern sollen.

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Vous recherchez pour les produits? Alors s'il vous plaît sélectionner dans la liste ci-dessus? Mentionné le pays dans lequel vous vous trouvez ou dans laquelle nous voulons livrer nos produits.