Measure strong magnetic fields with great precision
Metrolab Technology SA is the global market leader for precision magnetometers: Over the past 35 years, we have won the trust of all the large physics laboratories and all leading players in Magnetic Resonance Imaging, across the world. Take a facility tour!
Top priority is to provide solutions to help you effectively and precisely measure magnetic fields.
NMR-Teslameter PT2026
Very high precision magnetic field measurements; measures the total magnetic field at a single point with very high resolution and stability; solutions for field “Mapping” throughout a volume.
3-axis Hall Magnetometer THM1176
High-Field (+/- 3 T – optional 20 T) or Low-Field (+/- 8 mT with +/- 2 µT resolution) versions; handheld kit or desktop sensor for direct USB connection to PC; measure in small gaps and with high spatial resolution.
3-axis Fluxgate Magnetometer TFM1186
Measuring range +/-100 µT and resolution up to 4 nT. Belongs to the same device family as THM1176, and also uses our EZMag3D software.
HallinSight® Hall 3D Magnetic Field Camera
Visualization and measurement of DC and AC magnetic fields up to several Tesla in 3D; Sensor arrays consisting of 32 x 32 or 16 x 16 Three-axis sensors each for placing magnets to be measured, or linear array 32 x 2 (PCB), e.g. for measuring rotors.
Hall Magnetic Field Mapping Platform HMC9076
High precision,simultaneous 3-axis magnetic field measurements at multiple points.
Digital Integrator / Fluxmeter FDI2056
Highly precise and fast measurement of magnetic flux changes , e.g. for applications with rotating coil.
Permanent Reference Magnets PM1055
Compact dipole magnets with fields between 0,01 T and 0,5 T; 12 mm diameter. region with homogeneity suitable for NMR measurements; auxiliary coil for field stabilization.
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
- Quality Control of magnets
- Measure field homogeneity of strong magnetic fields (R&D, Production und Installation)
- Accelerator magnets
- Calibration, real-time field control and dipole mapping
- Metrology
- Calibration of magnetometers, secondary Standard
- Saftey
- Measure fringe fields around strong magnets