Webinar: Tomocube Label-Free 3D Holotomography & Imaging

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Visualization of living cells and organoids without labelling in high-resolution, in 3D and in real-time is now possible with Tomocube Holotomography solutions. Be with us in this Webinar to learn more about the revolutionizing potentials of this technology as a powerful tool for your research projects and applications.

Please don´t forget to register via the link. After entering your information, please click on “Send/Senden” botton below. The Webinar invitation link will be sent to you separatley after your registration.

👨‍🔬  Prof. Dr. Yongkeun (Paul) Park (KAIST & Tomocube CTO)

📅  Tuesday, 21 November 2023, 9 am CET



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