Digital Magnetic Field Measurement Instruments (Teslameter – Gaussmeter)

Group3 Teslameters offer:

  • Outstanding accuracy
  • Extremely high resolution
  • Small probe size
  • Single probe covers all fields up to full scale.
  • Noise immunity
  • Interchangeable probes


Group3 teslameters are the highest precision Hall effect instruments available – no other instrument can offer comparable specifications in the same price range. Group3’s unique linearization and temperature correction techniques have overcome the inherent problems of standard Hall effect devices. Every Group3 probe is individually characterised at many hundred field values, each at a range of temperatures. All this data is analysed by the calibration computers and the resulting correction coefficients stored in the probe itself. Advanced software algorithms in a Group3 Teslameter use the data to produce corrected field readings.

No other instrument available approaches the thermal stability of the DTM-151 and LPT-141 combination – conservatively rated at 10ppm/° C maximum, but typically less than half of that.

Group3 Control

Group3 Control is a fibre optically linked distributed control system. Data is sent over fibre optic cables to small intelligent outstations (Device Interfaces or DIs) that contain the I/O boards – ADCs, DACs, digital, motor drivers, etc.

A Loop Controller (or LC) card plugs into the control computer and handles all the communications on the fibre loop.

The advantages of this signal transport are: Fiber Optics – high voltage isolation – noise immunity


  • DTM-151 high resolution, temperaturecompensated
  • DTM-150 high resolution
  • DTM-133
  • DTM-152
  • DTM-333 three-axis
  • CNA (analog Teslameter / Gaussmeter)


  • Magnetic field measurements
  • Closed loop magnet control
  • Signal transmission at high magnetic or electrical fields
Hall Probe SensorHPC

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