
Innovative Solutions Bulgaria Ltd.

Mikromasch AFM tips and calibration gratings

MikroMasch produces a variety of AFM tips and calibration gratings.

  • HQ:NSC, HQ:CSC and HQ:XSC (tip radius <10nm)
  • HI’RES (tip radius 1nm)
  • DPE (conductive, robust)
  • DPER (conductive, high resolution)
  • Hard (very durable tips)
  • Various coatings avaiable

MikroMasch provides AFM tips and gratings compatible with most AFM brands. Please contact us to confirm compatibility with your AFM.



AFM tips and gratings

HI-RES Cantilever
HQ:NSC Typ Cantilever, ein Balken

Calibration gratings

AFM calibration gratings

  • Porous Aluminium
  • TGX (lateral calibration)
  • TGG (triangular steps for lateral calibration and tip characterization)
  • TGZ (steps 20 nm up to 1500 nm)
  • TGF (trapezoidal steps, edge angle calibration)
  • HOPG (graphite)



  • Calibration of AFM and STM
  • Verification of tip sharpness and geometry


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