Schaefer-Tec Group has taken over the distribution of the ULVAC Ellipsometer Series

With immediate effect, the Schaefer-Tec Group has taken over the distribution of the ULVAC spectroscopic ellipsometer series. The UNECS model range includes both, portable and manual as well as automated ellipsometer systems. Schaefer Technologie GmbH presents the new compact UNECS-Portable Elliposmeter for the first time at the Control Show 2017 in Stuttgart.

The ULVAC Group manufactures and markets equipment and materials for applications of vacuum techniques and technology in the field of semiconductor, flat panel displays/OLED and disc/magnetic media processing technologies.


Sensofar Users Meeting in Langen


On 24./25. April 2017, the Sensofar Users Meeting organized by Schaefer Technologie GmbH took place at the Steigenberger Airport Hotel in Langen near Frankfurt am Main.

Approximately 30 participants had the opportunity to learn about the latest developments and to exchange ideas with other users during the two-day event. The lecture program covered a wide range of topics, from calibration techniques to typical application examples.

Own samples could be brought along and measured at the exhibited devices.

During the cozy evening buffet, contacts were made and experiences exchanged.


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